ERDA or Electronic Research Data Archive is an AU service for storing and sharing research data. Currently our data can be found our ERDA.

Creating a new user

Go to and sign up following the instructions. To get access to the kern group, a group owner must add you to the group. Current group owners are Hans, Erik and Jeppe. A member is added by a group owner by going to the Workgroups page and pressing the wrench:

On the following page, a member can be added by entering their e-mail in the “Add Workgroup member” field. When the user has been added to the workgroup, they can access data by pressing “Files” on the front page and then kern->Experiments.

Setting up ERDA on your computer

ERDA should be used for storage of data only. DO NOT work directly on the ERDA drive. -o ro (option read-only) ensures that you cannot write to ERDA while it is mounted on your computer.

Files can be accessed in ERDA using the browser. For heavier work, it is useful to mount ERDA as a file system using SSHFS. To do this, press the personal icon in the bottom left corner and click “Setup” and choose the SFTP tab. Then you must enter a password to use and click “Save SFTP Settings”. On your Linux machine, add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config:

Host erda
VerifyHostKeyDNS ask
User <- add your e-mail here. 
Port 2222

After adding this, it should be possible to mount erda by creating a directory to mount it to:

mkdir erdaFS

And then mounting:

sshfs erda: erdaFS -o ro

If accessing from outside AU (or on cabled connection on AU) it might be necessary to connect over VPN. This will prompt you to put in the password that was set previously. The connection will be broken when the computer is rebooted, or by typing

unmount erdaFS 

To store data locally, copy it using rsync (or any other copying command):

rsync --progress -r erda/kern/experiments/ISOLDE/is659/ data/